San Isidro Festival

What is the festival of San Isidro?

San Isidro Festival is a great and modest festival but different from SAN FERMIN  in Pamplona or LAS FALLAS in Valencia, it isn’t an important source of community honor or identity for the region of Madrid. A Large number of inhabitants benefit from the three days weekend to voyage elsewhere frequently back to their homelands or to get a little of spring cleaning in the extra time off work. Madrid is the best Spanish melting pot. An economic and cultural center that attracts people over the country, but never entirely produce in them the type of regional identity that underpins the more important Spanish ceremonies.

If anything, Gay Pride is the best participant for Madrid’s first festival. It surely attracts more visitors and press to Madrid. Also appears to appropriately indicate the anarchic, greeting the nature of the region-one that brush off local Spanish identity to accept anyone who’s down to party.

San Isidro Festival

However, San Isidro does have its advocators they are usually inhabitants with profound family origins in Madrid. Glad Madrilenos who cloth up in the customary grab to eat the traditional food and dance the Chotis in festivities scattered all over the central barrios-the ceremony has some of the cultural attitudes of the Castesimo Madrilino. The Madrid castizo originality that’s gladly Spanish established on the refusing of the bourgeois French pretensions of the elite, and the feeling still rises.

I have a special relationship for San Isidro myself, in part because of the disagreement in it- a ceremony that both expresses the soul of the Capital .the great passion and complete indifference toward the vacation indicate the various layers of Madrid’s identity. at the same time a region and series of barrios, provincially Spanish and a universally connected.

San Isidro Fiesta

Who is San Isidro?

San Isidro is a legend one day, In the Moorish town of Mayrit a workman called Isidro was plowing his master’s field when he magically caused a spring to surge out from the earth like a youth hitting a sprinkler head with the lawnmower.

In another word, Isidro rescued his son from a profound well by praying to increase the water level, so conducting the buoyant child back to the top.

st isidro Spain

There are various of his many mysteries that would finish up raising this little and religious madrilène to fame and ultimate sainthood –a move led by the Spanish monarchic who had a specific concern in the miracle worker. King Philip II was apparently restored of a grace ailment by drinking the water that proceeded from a spring that San Isidro found. The most popular miracles of San Isidro known in Madrid and had to do with water making this clairvoyant well-digger, and rainmaker the patron saint of the two Spanish farmers and the region of Madrid.

At present, what we know about Pradera de San Isidro that is a park in the CARABANCHEL neighborhood south of the center Metro-Marquez de Vadillo his supernatural springs still proceed. A hermitage devoted to the saint was built in the area during the 14 the century then reconstructed in 1725 near one of Isidro’s famed springs. And the followers still pay their respects and gather the curative water during May festival thrown in his honor.

How should we celebrate San Isidro Festival?

While the ceremony historically happens in the Pradera De San Isidro, it has since extended all over the whole city.

Activities sputter to began through the week but formally kick off with the beginning of the speech on Friday at 7 pm in the Plaza De La Villa, attended by city officials and an invited famous celebrity-2016 is the instrumentalist Santiago Auseron, a principal Movida Madrilène. The events will last until Monday evening.